Researcher is always in search of opportunities to explore his / her research potential through publication, collaboration, realization, and commercialization. We at Radiance Research Academy enable researcher to explore their potential through following channels-

Realisation: Every researcher has some or other idea; such idea may need appropriate infrastructure, knowledge, expertise, legal support to convert into reality. All these facilities are not available at one place. Unavailability of such support results in to unnatural death of the research concepts. Radiance Research Academy facilitates sharing of infrastructure, knowledge, expertise, legal support for all enrolled researchers to work for their ideas. This mechanism ensures realization of research concept to make the outcome market ready.

Commercialisation: Commercialisation is ultimate aim of every research outcome which was result of hard work of team of researchers. Radiance Research Academy directs research scholars of different disciplines to work on thrust area (as per demand of the market). Knowledge, expertise, experience, infrastructure is shared among team members to convert the idea in to reality. Final outcome of the research work is legally protected and communicated with companies for its commercialization. Benefits of technology transfer, commercialization are equally shared among researchers.

Research Thrust Area:

  1. Nutraceuticals
  2. Malnutrition
  3. Cancer
  4. Infectious Diseases
  5. Cosmeceuticals
  6. Nutri-Cosmeceuticals
  7. Regulatory Affairs
  8. Pharmaceuticals
  9. Information Technology

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